My next book will be a reworking of an old title from 2010. This project received excellent reviews and it has been on my mind a lot of late.
It's street photography work shot as a photojournalist with a heavy political bent. My work these days is rather different but the photographer I was then is still very much present today.

I didn't push this book very hard back then for all sorts of reasons. It was mostly an archiving and learning exercise. But the work is strong and at times quite funny. And I feel a need to honour the photographer I was then. To give this work some serious treatment with a new edit and sequence and to utilise the bookmaking skills I have since gathered.
I'm still unsure as to whether I will print this here in my studio or have the sheets commercially printed for me to bind. But it'll be a little gem of a thing that will appeal to older collectors especially, as they'll appreciate the politics of the period.

Drop me an email if you'd like to read a review of the original book from 2010.
My Passerby series is on hold for a little bit as I rethink and refresh my practice but it'll be back soon.
Please take a look at my freshened up website with new about page and selected print offerings here and here with more soon. If you know of anyone who may be interested in reading this, then please share.
I thank you for your time and interest in my photography and publishing.
- Paul.
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Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?