Hello Moon

Brought the dog out for late walk the other night and was awestruck by the moon low in the sky and almost full. There were dramatic clouds speeding by adding to the visual drama. 

I parked the dog back home and grabbed the big lens and headed back out. Had had an intense day and so relished the opportunity to slow my brain down and soak up the magnificence of the lunar display. 

Here are three pictures from playing with the moon and houses in my neighbourhood in the wee hours. 

© Paul Treacy 2024.

Do you have a favourite? Let me know below if you'd like. Middle one for me, I think. 

I currently use a hacked Mac Mini computer from 2012. That's ancient. But it runs quite fast. I cannot upgrade the various softwares I use but with two solid state hard disks spliced together and maxed out ram, it has kept me going for years. I use an old LG monitor that's easy to calibrate for colour critical work but I fear it's fading some. 

Therefore I will soon upgrade to a new MacBook Pro M3 Pro. This has a brilliant screen and is optimised for colour critical workflow. I can also move about with it which will be novel for me. Eventually I will add a new printer to speed up book production. At the moment I am very happy with the old printer I have. I know how to get the best out of it and it's perfectly calibrated. But it's painfully slow. 

This has been a long time coming.

Thanks for your time. 

- Paul.

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