To invert or not

Am on holiday back in Ireland with my family. This place replenishes me in a way I cannot really put into words. Perhaps one day I'll try to explain in photographs. 

Every time I come here I try to leave with at least one good photograph. Over time then I might have enough to put into a book. 

I made a picture yesterday that I really time. But it was when I turned it upside down that the picture really worked best. 

Here is the picture as i saw it. 

Lovely colours. Interesting shadow. We've all seen pictures like these. But they're almost always worth making. 

Here's the picture inverted. Which do you prefer? 

Do you think this might work as a big print? I'd like one and may well make one for my hall. 

Speaking of prints - I'll be launching prints soon. Just getting everything set up at the moment. If there's an image of mine that you think would make a good print, please let me know. It would help me get a sense of what people like for prints rather than in books. 

Thanks for your time.

- Paul.

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